Debunking 10 Myths About Wrongful Death Lawyers: A Closer Look at the Industry

  • November 19, 2023
  • 2 minutes

In the labyrinthine landscape of the legal system, few areas inspire as much confusion and misconception as the realm of wrongful death litigation. However, it's imperative that we dispel these erroneous beliefs, as they can significantly impact the way people perceive and interact with wrongful death lawyers. This article aims to dismantle ten of the most common myths surrounding these professionals, providing a candid perspective on their industry.

Myth 1: Wrongful death lawyers capitalize on tragedy.

Perhaps one of the most enduring fallacies is that wrongful death lawyers are profiteers of grief. However, this simplistic view does not account for the complexity of their work. These attorneys are often the only advocates for victims' families in the face of powerful entities, providing essential legal representation and offering a lifeline to those seeking justice.

Myth 2: Their services are prohibitively expensive.

Many individuals fear the thought of exorbitant legal fees, believing that hiring a wrongful death lawyer might lead to financial ruin. However, most of these attorneys operate on a contingency fee basis. Under this model, the attorney's fee is a percentage of the client's recovery. If the case is lost, the attorney does not collect a fee. This alignment of interest ensures that the lawyer is motivated to secure the best possible outcome, while mitigating the financial risk to the victim's family.

Myth 3: Wrongful death cases are quick to resolve.

It's a widespread belief that wrongful death cases are expeditious affairs. However, in reality, they are typically intricate, demanding extensive investigation and tortuous legal processes. Therefore, while some cases may reach a settlement within months, others may take years to reach a verdict.

Myth 4: Wrongful death lawsuits only apply to medical malpractice.

While wrongful death suits have gained notoriety in the context of medical malpractice, they can apply to an array of circumstances. These might include car accidents, workplace accidents, product liability, or even criminal acts, to name a few.

Myth 5: Only immediate family members can file a wrongful death lawsuit.

The eligibility to file a wrongful death lawsuit depends largely on jurisdictional laws. While immediate family members are often the primary claimants, in some cases, grandparents, legal dependents, or even distant relatives may have legal standing.

Myth 6: Wrongful death lawsuits are unnecessary if criminal charges are filed.

Wrongful death lawsuits fall under civil law, while criminal charges are a separate matter. Therefore, even if criminal charges are filed (or not filed), a wrongful death lawsuit may still proceed independently. These suits can offer a means of securing financial compensation for the bereaved family.

Myth 7: All wrongful death cases go to trial.

It's a common misbelief that all wrongful death cases end up in court. In reality, many of these cases are settled out of court through negotiations between the parties involved, mitigating the need for a full trial.

Myth 8: Any lawyer can handle a wrongful death case.

While technically any licensed lawyer can take up a wrongful death case, it's a highly specialized field. The complexities of these cases necessitate the expertise of a seasoned wrongful death attorney who understands the nuances of the law, the intricate process of gathering evidence, and the art of negotiating settlements.

Myth 9: Compensation is limited to funeral expenses and lost income.

Although funeral expenses and lost income are significant components of a wrongful death claim, compensation can also cover loss of companionship, emotional distress, and pain and suffering, depending on the jurisdiction.

Myth 10: The defendant's inability to pay negates the lawsuit.

Many people erroneously believe that if the defendant cannot pay, there's no point in pursuing a lawsuit. However, in most cases, the defendant's insurance company is responsible for paying the settlement or judgment.

Understanding the realities of wrongful death lawyers and their industry can dispel the myths that often surround them, enabling a more informed approach to seeking justice for the deceased and their family. While the process may be complex, the pursuit of truth and justice is a noble endeavor that wrongful death attorneys should be better recognized for undertaking.

Learn More

Unearth the power of justice and arm yourself with knowledge by diving deeper into our enlightening blog posts about wrongful death lawyers. For an unbiased, comprehensive view, the reader is encouraged to explore our meticulously curated rankings of Top Wrongful Death Lawyers in Atlanta.